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Burd Run Stream Channel, Riparian Zone and Wetlands Restoration Project
Funded by Pennsylvania's Growing Greener Program

The project will restore the stream channel, riparian corridor, and floodplain wetlands on a 21-acre property along Burd Run in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. The property, now publicly owned as a Shippensburg Township Park, is severely degraded by nonpoint sources of excessive sediments and nutrients. Artificial channel straightening and removal of riparian trees and shrubs have destabilized the stream, resulting in approximately 1200 linear feet of accelerated bank failure. In addition, elevated concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are present in the stream as a result of upstream agriculture taking place on shallow soils overlying steeply dipping and cavernous limestones. Floodplain wetlands located on the site have been ditched and drained, greatly reducing their ability to mitigate nutrient loads. The proposed restoration project would reverse these actions through the application of best management practices (BMPs) toward the following integrated objectives:

1. Restoring the Burd Run Stream Channel

Natural stream design concepts and erosion control BMPs will be used to reestablish a stable, meandering stream channel. This will result in the following benefits to the stream system:

� The longer, meandering channel will have a flatter slope and less erosive energy, reducing the significant non-point source of sediments presently generated by accelerated channel erosion.
� The diversity of habitats supporting aquatic and riparian plants, invertebrates, fish, birds, mammals, and other animals will be enhanced by recreating riffles, glides, and pools flowing around point bars and cutbanks.

2. Enhancing Riparian Vegetation

An 80 foot riparian buffer corridor--now virtually non-existent--will be restored by planting native tree and shrub species. This will result in the following benefits to the stream system and property:

� The roots of riparian plants will provide additional structural stability to the streambanks, further reducing bank erosion and associated nonpoint sources of sediments.
� The selected plants will provide a canopy over the stream, shading water and reducing stream temperatures. This will facilitate greater dissolved oxygen and healthier aquatic life.
� The selected species for the riparian corridor will enhance wildlife habitat and site aesthetics.

3. Restoring Floodplain Wetland Vitality and Function

Limestone springs exist in several locations at the site and feed wetlands both north and south of the stream. Spring water represents a significant nonpoint source of pollutants, consistently carrying high nutrient loads and contributing up to 20% of stream base flow. This project will eliminate artificial wetland drainage and restore natural wetland hydrology, providing the following benefits:

� Greater retention time of water in the wetlands will facilitate nutrient reduction through vegetative uptake and denitrification.
� Restored hydrology will allow deeper water to pool within the wetlands, increasing the diversity of wetland habitats for both plants and animals while also improving site aesthetics.
� The restored wetlands and riparian buffer will complement each other in reducing nonpoint sources of nutrients.

4. Enhancing Education and Community Outreach

Educational programs will be developed for the general public, school groups, and university students. Hundreds of park users will learn from a network of interpretive nature trails that will guide visitors to experience each of the riparian environments and emphasize the importance of watershed protection. Public education will also target people not already involved in community environmental issues through press releases, lectures, a project web site, and two educational videos. Shippensburg University, the Rowland School, and Shippensburg public schools, all located less than five miles from the project site, will develop regular educational field trips.

Burd Run Photo Gallery

Click the pictures below to view a video clip from the Burd Run Project.

rootwad video thumbnail
Root Wad Installation Rock Vortex Weir Installation Site Stabilization
58sec 731kb 60sec 760kb 50sec 623kb

Shippensburg University's Burd Run Website