Agricultural BMP's for the Mount Rock Spring Watershed Project
Funded by Pennsylvania's Growing Greener Program

Mount Rock Spring is a sub-watershed of the Conodoguinet Creek (Figure 1) and is listed on the Year 2000 303(d) list of impaired streams and rivers published by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). A source of impairment is agriculture and the cause for that impairment is nutrients, which was listed in 1996 and is medium priority. Agriculture is listed again as a source of impairment with siltation as the cause of impairment, which was listed in 1998 and is medium priority.

Figure 1. Location of Mt. Rock Spring Watershed in Cumberland County

A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has been developed for this sub-watershed and approved by EPA. Our goal is to improve the water quality in this watershed to help meet the TMDL. Improving the water quality in this watershed will improve the main stem of the Conodoguinet as well because Mt. Rock Spring flows into the Conodoguinet.

The following table of Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP's) shows the breakdown of BMP's and which farm they were installed on.

  BMP's Installed
Farm #1 Concrete Manure Storage Structure
Concrete Barnyard
Farm #2 Manure Transfer System
Underground Outlet
Farm #3 Concrete barnyard with Curbing
Sediment Basin and Holding Tank
Discharge Manifold and Grass Filter Area